A: Questions
1. Can the output of the device be reliably scaled for vacuum throughout the 24 month life of the device?
We have no data at running under vacuum with this sensor. It is not designed nor tested to run this low.
Other cells, not UFO, we have run down to 0.2 atm sample pressure, but we cannot say this would apply to this sensor at this time.
2. Is the relationship of % oxygen to output voltage a linear relationship? If not, has the relationship been defined?
It is linear to partial pressure of O2 when sample pressure around 1 atm.
3. Is the device temperature sensitive as well? If so, has the relationship been defined?
Yes it is temperature sensitive. Both speed and output voltage are temp dependent. The sensor and pcb we sell to go with this compensate both effects to a first order.
4. How does the output vary with age? Catastrophic or slow decay?
Output stays reasonably constant with age. Near end of life output is erratic and then dies completely over the course of a few days or less. Sometime it will just suddenly die without erratic behavior.
5. The device output appears to have a small 2nd order component to it. Has this relationship been modeled? Is this an artifact of circuitry design to effectively speed the response?
I am not sure precisely what you are referring to here. If u could elaborate on this I could comment better perhaps.
6. Will the life of the device be adversely affected by operation under vacuum?
Yes. At low vacuum gases in electrolyte will boil out with consequences we have not studied.
7. Can the life of the device be extended by pinching off the input & output to the device when not in use?
If you mean but reducing the o2 level, perhaps, but this has not been studied nor confirmed. With no flow, presumably the o2 level the sensor sees will be reduced substantially, but we have not studied the diffusion rate of ambient o2 into the cell under these conditions.
The more o2 the sensor sees, the quicker it will expire.
8. I understand that there is FDA regulation on the device some how. Is the device built under GMP?
I need to check on this matter. We have a 510k on the sensor and we are subject to fda inspections of course, but I am not sure if technically we claim gmp compliance. I need to check with our Qa people.
9. Is the device RoHS compliant?
No, the device has a lead anode.