A fully upgraded microprocessor-based platform gives a more compact, single PCB design to simplify maintenance and reduce shelf spares. The new interface allows for a fully settable single range form 0-10 ppm to 0-25%. New advanced functions are also available as standard including 4-20mA output adjustment to optimize single output and cold boot capability as a beneficial troubleshooting tool.
Additional Advantages
- 2-wire transmitter form factor
- InstaTrace capability for fast recovery from new sensor installation (optional) Accepts most industrial micro-fuel cells
- Trace or percent oxygen analysis - settable ranging from 0-10 ppm to 0-25%
- Intrinsically safe design for hazardous are non-hazardous installations
Fittings (all 316SS)
- Standard - 1/8" tube
- 1/4" tube
- 6mm tube
- No fitting - 1/8" FNPT thread
InstaTrace for Fast Initial Recovery
- Non InstaTrace
- InstaTrace
O-ring Seals
- Standard Viton®
- Buna-n
- Kalrez®
- Neoprene
- Chemraz®