
The analyzer offers three dynamic, user-configurable ranges and can be calibrated at any range. Two fully programmable concentration alarms and relays provide the versatility to satisfy nearly any requirement.

Maintenance-Free Sensor

The heart of the analyzer is a Micro-Fuel Cell sensor that sets the industry standard of oxygen analysis. The unit incorporates the B2CXL sensor, which is specifically designed for 0-1 ppm full scale oxygen analysis applications. The sensor is specific to oxygen and can be used in a variety of background gases including hydrocarbons. With no electrolyte to change or electrodes to clean, it is maintenance free.


The analyzer comes standard with two sets of analog outputs, 0-1 VDC and isolated 4-20 mADC for oxygen concentration range identification. Additionally, a bi-directional RS-232C serial communication interface provides for remote monitoring and control of span and zero functions. ​