Analysis Process

To first remove the inorganic carbon, the sample is acidified below pH 2 which oxidizes the inorganics into CO2, which are then sparged. With only organic carbon remaining, the sample is introduced with a persulfate solution and radiated with ultraviolet (UV) light to oxidize the organic carbon into CO2. The TOC measurement can then be made as CO2 using an integral NDIR analyzer.


The color LCD touchscreen gives the user the latest TOC reading, recent trending data, fluid status, carrier flow and the alarm status on the main screen.

Fast Loop Reservoir

Maintains a constant sample flow and switches analyzer to stand-by in case of insufficient flow. As soon as the sample flow restarts, the measurement is resumed.​

The fast loop reservoir has a floating level sensor that is at atmospheric pressure allowing for a constant delivery of the sample without overpressure as well as allowing fast circulation of the sample from the sampling point or optional filtration unit.​

External Diluters

Options of 2x to 40x dilution of one or two sample streams using 1 motor with dual pump heads or 2 motors with a single pump head.

Filtration Unit

Self-cleaning, at user selectable intervals and cleaning period.​​